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Across 110th Street

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Now it's time to take a look at the second verse of our song. The guitar will be playing licks throughout like we did in the first verse, but naturally we are going to change those up to suit the lyrics of the second verse.

The first four bars of the song are played the same way as the first verse with our sliding lick at the end.

For the second four bars, we do a sliding lick from F# to down E and resolving to B for two bars.

For the next four bars, we start the same way but then do a slight syncopation from E to B and then resolving to B for only one bar. Then over the last bar, we played a syncopated C# rhythm using octaves.

To end our second verse, I am going to start with E. Then over the first bar of B minor I will let B ring, followed by our sliding lick on additional time followed by the main slide lick at the end.

And remember you can play just rhythm during the verses as well if you want, simply moving between these two chords. If you want to play that, just make sure you catch all those hits as best you can. The licks reflect that while just playing rhythm won't exactly.

Lesson Info
Across 110th Street