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Across 110th Street

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First things first, let's learn the octave melodies that you hear at the top of our song. During the first eight bars, Guitar #1 will come and hint at the main melody to follow. Then, for the second eight bars will play the entire melody accompanied by a series of hits by the rest of the band. The guitar really takes center stage during this part of the song, and you will hear this melody again played the same way again after the first chorus.

The first eight bars are a two bar chord progression played twice. It's two bars of B minor, followed by two bars of F#7. We will come in with our first lick on the & of 1 over the fourth bar.

After letting that last B ring over the last four bars, we then start into our main melody. This is an octave melody starting with B that is repeated twice in the second part of our intro.

We will play this part twice in the intro, and twice after the first chorus.

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Across 110th Street