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Across 110th Street

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Now we're ready to take a look at the first verse of our song. During this part, the guitar plays the role of the "response" in the "call and response." This means that we will be playing some licks in between the vocals throughout the verse, sticking to some really cool, and easy, octave melodies.

The chord progression for the verses is two bars of E minor, followed by two bars of B minor. You can play the chords if you want as well letting them ring for practice, or trying some sort of rhythm. You also have a variety of hits going on as well, and those affect what we play solely based on the rhythm. For the first four bars, we start in with a ringing E, followed by one bar of a ringing B and ending with a slide lick we will play several times in the song.

The second four bars are played exactly the same guitar wise. Following that, we will alter the melody slightly on the & of 3 on the third bar. We will also play our slide melody one less time at the end.

For the last four bars, we will play the same melody as before, and end the phrase with the slide over B minor that we played at the end of the first two phrases.

Lesson Info
Across 110th Street