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Playing in Thirds on the 1st and 3rd String

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Again this is the same concept, but we are reversing the pattern again.

You are still playing the notes separately in this one, and remember to play the 3rd first. Practice all the positions so far, and the different ways to play them too.

I'm using the pick, and my middle finger, but you can play these notes using only your pick if you want to.

Practice them with the palm muting, and also without. Then use your own judgement, for when to use that technique while playing. It really depends on what you're playing, and if you think it will sound better with the palm muting.

If you are using an acoustic to learn on, it will be more difficult to get these last ones. If your acoustic doesn't have a cutaway, it may be next to impossible to reach it, but you can try to.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Playing in Thirds on the 1st and 3rd String