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Playing in Thirds on the 1st and 3rd String

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Again this is the same concept, but we are reversing the pattern here too. You start one fret above where you started the previous lesson, because from the B note, the C note is only a half step higher. Make sure you practice this one going up too, the way we played it in the first two lessons.

You are playing the 1st, and 3rd string at the same time in this one too. You already know two ways to do this, and in the next lesson we will play it another way.

Try the palm muting if you haven't already, just let the side of your hand silence the strings after you play them.

I also hope you have been trying to pick out the major triad for these chords, and learning where they are on the fretboard.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Playing in Thirds on the 1st and 3rd String