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For the final chorus of "Mayberry," the arrangement starts off with just vocals and some acoustic instruments for the first half. This then leads to the whole band coming back in for the second half to then take us into our intro. For that section, we are going to simply strum the chords to work with the dynamics of this section.

Our chorus chord progression is pretty much the same, only difference is in how the rhythms are played. We will simply strum A, D, Bmi, and E for two beats each as well as for the next go around of A and D.

Once you get to the E chord that second time though, you bring back your melody that I showed you in the chorus lesson with the whole band joining you on those hits. Then once the band is back in, you go back to the same rhythm you were playing in the previous choruses, followed by three bars of our intro progression. This then brings the dynamic back down again, and starts us off into the end of our song which we will look at next.

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