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Jazz Blues With Two Guitars

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In this lesson I will teach upper structure chords that are easier to finger than many of the "normal" chords we've learned thus far. They are more complex in their nature and sound great in the process. This will give you a great second guitar part or a whole set of chords to use as a variation when you repeat the jazz blues form.

The chords can be replaced like this as showed at the beginning of the video:

F7 : F9/13

Bb7 : Bb9/13

D7 : D7#9b13

Gm7 : G-9
C7 : C9/13

Then I added some examples of syncopations that vary the guitar's rhythms to get more creative on the entire blues form:

F7 / Bb7 / F7 / F7

Bb7 / Bb7 / F7 / D7

Gm7 / C7 / F7 D7 / Gm7 C7

Lesson Info
Jazz Blues With Two Guitars