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Blues Orchestration Series 2

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In this lesson we are going to expand on the basic pattern we learned in the first tutorial in this series of lessons.

Now that we've established a basic pattern combining a low register bluesy sounding walking bass line with upper register open string chord tones. Now let's embellish it.

We're going to add a chord lick on the middle two strings, the D & G strings, to play something in the middle register to really flesh out the basic pattern & make it even more ornamented & interesting sounding.

The most important thing to grasp here is that we stay in time no matter what. We are going to learn something new to add to our basic rhythm pattern. But in order to include this new lick we have to leave out part of the pattern in order to have enough "musical space" or time to insert our new lick.

Play it slowly at first going back and forth between the new lick and the old pattern. We want a smooth transition between the two so it sounds as natural and seamless as possible. This is a key factor in making your playing sound professional don't let the "seams show"! You don't want to wind up with that uncomfortable situation of playing a great groove, going to add a lick and totally losing the groove because you've flubbed a fill through bad timing.

Lesson Info
Blues Orchestration Series 2