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Hybrid Picking Exercises: One Finger

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This is almost the same exercise, but it does start on a different string. I'm using a bar with my index finger for the A chord, but you can use the three finger chord shape also.

This is also a root/5 exercise, the root is the open 5th (A) string, and you're also playing a root note on the 3rd (G) string. The 5 is the 4th (D) string in the 2nd fret which is a E note.

Again I'm alternating the bass notes with the pick, and pulling up on the 3rd (G) string with my middle finger.

This one works the same way with all of the A formation barre chords too.

I'm not using any muting techniques on this one either, remember these are just exercises.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Hybrid Picking Exercises: One Finger