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E Blues Rhythm & Lead: Series 2

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In this tutorial, we will learn to play a basic 12 bar blues using simple open chords and combine it with simple lead fills by alternating between the rhythm chords and single note lead fills.

we'll start by establishing a simple rhythm to use to play the chords for a 12 bar blues form involving 3 chords: E7, A7 & B7.

Next, we find notes to use for our fill. In this case we will use notes from the E minor pentatonic scale with a flat 5th scale degree added. This is a very stereotypical blues sound; major harmony chords & minor scales. It is the main characteristics of the blues sound.

The main idea we are exploring in this tutorial is learning the mechanics of changing from strumming chords to single note lead lines. Switching between the two and remaining in time is the how you can take your playing to the next level.

Lesson Info
E Blues Rhythm & Lead: Series 2