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Fast Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Fills

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By now you know the strumming pattern, but in this lesson we added some fills in between chords. If you don't know the strumming pattern, check out Fast Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar

Play almost two measures of the G chord, and then you'll walk into the C chord, or the 4 chord in the key of G. Then a half measure in the C chord, walk back to the G chord, and finish out the measure.

When you go to the C chord, play your basic C chord, so you can alternate the bass notes. Pick the 5th string, and strum the other strings. Then move the ring finger to the 3rd fret on the 6th string. Play that note, and strum the bottom 4 strings.

I'm using all downstrokes with the pick, even when I pick the fills. This can really put drive in your rhythm playing, but it may take you some time to build the speed.

In the next lesson, I'll show you some fills to go to the 5 chord.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Fast Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Fills