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Pentatonic Scales: Boxes & Frameworks

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This time let's look closer at the pentatonic major scale and the patterns it makes on the guitar fretboard. Because there are only 5 notes in the pentatonic scale, there are only five basic "box shapes" to learn.

Essentially, we give each note of the scale a chance to start the scale pattern & then create two "walls" of notes (or a "box") to bounce back and forth between. If you don't know these patterns yet, then learn them! If you already know these patterns, then good for you! Now take the next step and learn which scale degree each note is in each pattern.

Once you get a handle on this, check out this tutorial that shows a great way to practice using the 5 major pentatonic boxes.

Pentatonic Major Scale Exercise: All 5 Shapes

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Pentatonic Scales: Boxes & Frameworks