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The verse progression has an interesting twist to it.

It goes from an open D power chord, then to F# on the fourth fret of the E string. Then go up a fourth to a B power chord, then a G on the 5th fret. After the G we get the interesting movement to an A# power chord, then slide up to C, then move down to an A power chord and once again back to C. The progression starts over again.

You'll notice as the progression cycles over and over again how it's just leaning toward the chorus building tension in the turn around.

For the intro you want to be precise with your palm muting, so take notice where this happens. When the drums come in, you change the dynamic a little bit by opening up the palm muting a bit more.

Be sure that the verses sound nice and relaxed when you're playing this groove, one of Nirvana's strengths was the ability to sound really big and aggressive but also have a really good and relaxed feel rhythmically.

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde