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Minor Scale Harmony

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In music theory we use Roman Numerals to number the chords; upper case for Major chords, lower case for Minor (and diminished with a circle).

  • C - Eb - G = 1-b3-5 (i) C minor chord

  • D - F - Ab = 2-4-b6 (ii) D diminished chord

  • Eb - G - Bb = b3-5-b7 (bIII) Eb major chord

  • F - Ab - C = 4-6b-1 (iv) F minor chord

  • G - Bb - D = 5-b7-2 (V) G minor chord

  • Ab - C - Eb = b6-1-3b (vi) Ab major chord

  • Bb - D - F = b7-2-4 (vii dim) Bb major chord

    The next important point to grasp is that this formula of Roman Numerals works for any and all major scales. Just like the major scale formula can be applied to any note to form each major scale, each scale can be harmonized to form it's own system of chords.

    So, for example, in the video I demonstrate different major scale harmonies.

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    Minor Scale Harmony