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The bridge of "Stellar" is very straight ahead and keeps a similar tone and vibe to our verses. We are using a clean tone with a phaser effect again and utilizing open strings to play some new chords that we haven't heard yet in the song. We will step outside of the key of A major briefly by adding a G major and an E mi into the mix, accounting for a great change up in the song. Here are some key points to help get the tone and vibe for this section:

Key Points:

1. The guitar tone is a clean tone with the coil tap in single coil mode, with the pickup switch on the neck pickup. You can use your humbucker guitar with the neck pickup as well an it will sound great as well. I am using a little bit of reverb as well as a phaser effect with the rate set at about a quarter of the way up.

2. The chords are A major, G major, and E minor. G major and E minor step outside of the key of A major. These chords would be our "Flat 7th" and "Minor 5th."

3. The chords are all played as arpeggios, utilizing open strings whenever possible to enhance the phaser effect.

4. The G major has a two bar crescendo into the last chorus, with a distorted guitar coming in with an eighth note rhythm to lead into it.

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