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Bending the 3rd String

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This bend works with an A chord, and is an octave higher than the bend in lesson 1.

Put your pinky in the 17th fret on the 1st string, ring finger in the 17th fret on the 2nd string. Your middle finger in the 16th fret on the 3rd string, and bend it to sound like the C# note in the 18th fret.

The B note on the 3rd string is the 2nd note in the scale, and you're bending it up to the 3rd note in the scale.

Play the strings with the pick, using an upstroke. After playing the 3rd string, bend it up a whole step, and hold it. Playing the strings with an upward sweep, can make your guitar sound like a steel guitar. You can also play a squeeze lick, using the fingers with the pick.

Now that you've been through all of these, you may be ready to try the G bend in the 2nd fret. It will be a little harder to bend the string there, but you'll get used to it. We've been using the musical alphabet to work our way up the neck, and the next one from here would be the B in the 18th fret.

When you feel like you're ready to move on, check out Bending The 3rd String Part 2 for more bend positions.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Bending the 3rd String