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Four Flatpicking Bluegrass Licks In G!

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These lessons are called bluegrass solo, because we are putting together a flat picking solo in G. The first lick is out of the 1 chord, and starts out like a banjo lick.

You do three down strokes with the pick, on the 2nd and 1st strings. The next downstroke is followed by an upstroke, and then another downstroke. This is mostly done on the 2nd and 1st string, but don't worry if you happen to catch the 3rd one too. After doing this pattern again, you'll do the hammer ons.

It is best to keep your fingers in place the way I did in the video, your pinky stays in the 3rd fret on the 1st string. The hammer ons on the 2nd string is a variation of a lick I stole from Tony Rice, and then some open string licks to make it interesting.

This is a great way to start a bluegrass solo out of the key of G, and the next lick gets even better. This can also be used in other styles of music, it sounds good on a tele too.

After you get this one, try this one Bluegrass Solo lick # 2

It is best to learn these licks slowly, and you will notice the string noise more at a slow speed. After a while the speed will come, and most of the string noise will not be heard.

Feel free to post a message for me in the forum, if you have any questions, comments, or want to be added to my mailing list.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Four Flatpicking Bluegrass Licks In G!