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Tarrega 'Study In C Major, No. 1'

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Tarrega (1852-1909) was a classical composer-guitarist that wrote for the guitar, making him a fairly unique historical musician. Some of his compositions are fairly short pieces called studies. In this tutorial we will learn Tarrega's 'Study In C Major, No. 1'. This piece will help you develop various chord voicings used in classical style for the fretting hand and common fingerpicking patterns used in classical guitar style.

We will learn 4 measures at a time. Then we'll put them all together at the end. Take it slowly and learn each shape and position, then how to move from one to the next. This piece is in the key of C Major and the time signature is 4/4. We'll aim for a tempo of 80 BPM.

Lesson Info
Tarrega 'Study In C Major, No. 1'