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There's a lot of cool guitars here, some really interesting rhythm playing, and a lot of leads throughout the song.

One really interesting thing in the arrangement is how the verse builds in to a pre-chorus and then continues to build into hook of the song.

We're gonna lay out for the first verse, but in the second verse we're gonna check out a really cool surf inspired guitar part.

For the second pre-chorus we're gonna start adding leads that are really cool and help excite the arrangement.

Once we've played the second chorus we're gonna hit the bridge section where we'll be doing some ensemble hits. The lead guitar is playing some very interesting bends.

To wrap the song up we're going to play a long outro vamping the chorus and the intro part, of course they'll be a solo featured underneath all of this and we finally end where we started, with some ensemble hits, just like the intro.

The song is in 4/4, at a tempo of 145 bpm.

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde
Cleveland Rocks