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Delta Chicken Pickin'

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Here's our first example of how country music borrows from the blues by using a bluesy lick as a riff over the progression.

First we'll learn the minor pentatonic scale. That is the scale that will give you the instant bluesy sound we are looking for. We won't use notes that are not in this scale. Also, we will explore this scale in more detail in country level 2 course. Don't worry if it seems foreign now. This will give you a good taste of what we'll be learning later.

Next, we will move the scale into the key of our progression. In this case, we're playing in E Major.

We will then select a few notes that sound great and play them over each chord change in the progression. This a a stereotypical blues technique that sounds great in country music.

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Delta Chicken Pickin'