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Blue Suede Shoes

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Before we start digging into all the great guitar parts in this song, let's talk briefly about the gear and the tones I'll be using for the different parts, but as always you want to remember that you can play these parts on any guitar.

That being said, I'll be using my Gretsch guitar here on the bridge pickup, and I'm running that through a modeled version of a Fender amp with a bright clean tone and a tiny bit of reverb. Whatever you do, just make sure you don't use too much overdrive for these parts! It's better to be too clean than too dirty for this song.

Then for the acoustic guitar I'm using my Martin-style VKV acoustic, and I'm getting the sound that you're hearing from a combination of my built-in pickup and the overhead mic that I'm also talking through.

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Blue Suede Shoes