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Sympathy For The Devil

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For the acoustic guitar I'll be using my Martin-style VKV acoustic, and I'm getting the sound that you're hearing from a combination of my built-in pickup and the overhead mic that I'm also talking through. I'm using a capo in the 2nd fret, but I'll also show you how to play these chords without a capo.

For the electric guitar I'll be using my Telecaster on the bridge pickup, and I'm running that through a modeled Fender amp with both the volume and treble cranked, so it's extremely bright and very distorted. I'm using my Tele because it's a very bright guitar, but you can use any guitar on the bridge pickup! Just make sure to crank the treble on your amp. You can also experiment with turning down the bass and the midrange to get some of the same effect. Other than that I just have a little bit of reverb. It's one of those guitar tones that sounds really ugly and unpleasant by itself, but sounds absolutely perfect and iconic, once you hear it in the mix. I find that I get closer to the tone by picking a little harder than I normally do, so you're welcome to experiment with that as well! Just don't get so carried away with that that it messes up your technique.

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Sympathy For The Devil