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My Sharona

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I’m using a Les Paul set to the bridge pickup for a full, clear, and powerful tone, but any electric guitar is suitable.

As far as amps go, a Vox AC30 style tube amp is a desirable choice. Crank up the amp for a gritty - clean on the edge of breakup sound. Set the Drive to 45%, Bass to 45%, Mid to 55%, Treble to 60%, and Presence to 65%.

Note that the recording features 2 guitars double tracked playing the same rhythms throughout. One guitar has a much cleaner tone, with the second guitar adding more grit and thickness. My suggested settings go for the thicker, grittier tone, but Guitar 1’s parts could be played just as easily using the cleaner tone.

For Guitar 2, kick in an overdrive pedal for more gain and sustain for the leads. Add a bit of room reverb to all guitars for depth.

I’m using 10-46 gage with a heavy pick to attack those riffs and licks.

Here are the settings I used:

Vox AC30 Model:
Drive: 45% Bass: 45% Mid: 55% Treb: 60% Presence: 65%
Tube Screamer (Guitar 2):
Drive: 40% Tone: 55% Level: 50%
Room Reverb:
WetDryMIX: 40%

Lesson Info
Instructor Mike Olekshy
My Sharona