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Joined: 09/03/20
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Registered User
Joined: 09/03/20
Posts: 3
08/25/2021 5:47 am

Hi Chris, Thanks for the response, and the time you took to answer my questions!

I'm working on the major, minor, pentatonic major, pentatonic minor and harmonic minor for now, and working through the keys. I'm currently practicing straight up and down for now, per the scale printouts from the toolbox (I'd love to see the ability to print the chord charts, too). I'm also practicing with a metronome, either straight quarters or playing the 2 & 4 in 4/4.

My goal is to be very well rounded, so I want to know the scales for every note, not necessarily just root to root. I'm working on rhythm and lead about 60/40, respectively.

I'm about 65% rock, 34% blues, and there's only one country artist that I care to learn most of his catalogue, so I'm listing that at 1% haha.

I'm ready to really start making licks out the scales and start playing to backing tracks, but will still work on splitting time playing rhythm.

Thank you again for the time in your response!