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Frizzy Totay
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Joined: 02/16/11
Posts: 131
Frizzy Totay
Registered User
Joined: 02/16/11
Posts: 131
03/13/2020 6:36 pm

Wooft! There is a lot to go through since I was last here. Too much for me on a Kindle to properly reply to. I can't cut quote excerpts etc. So I'm going to keep this as brief as possible.

1) ManXcat - I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Nothing here requires an apology. I've read through your post a few times and I can assure you I'm not upset or offended or whatever it is you think you've inflicted upon me. Your posts have enhanced the thread and a great discussion has been had with you and Christopher. Definitely the kind of chat that I would've loved to have had it face to face.

2) My apologies for my poor YouTubery. As I say, Kindle. Not the best for the internet. Next time I can at least give a time stamp.

3) I've never seen Crossroads 😄 The scene is famous in it's down right. Personally, I prefer Tenacious D's duel with the devil in Pick of Destiny. I

4) Christopher - thanks for those links. I love Deep Purple. When I was 12 they and Iron Maiden were responsible for moving me from a Beatles and Abba fan to a hard rockheavy metal fan pretty much overnight, and the interplay between Jon and Ritchie was a huge part of that.

5) For the record, I'm not a big Vai fan. Like Christopher, I find a great deal of his music unlistenable. I much prefer Joe Satriani, who appears to me to be less technically gifted but clearly a superior composer.

6) As if by magic, the very excellent Rick Beato has just posted a video on YouTube with Eric Johnson discussing style, tone and inspiration. If you're interested:

Rick and Eric

It's a long video, and I'd liked to have seen Eric play more, but it's interesting nonetheless.