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Joined: 10/07/08
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02/05/2020 1:50 pm
Originally Posted by: snojones
Originally Posted by: hsnoeckx

Tommy Emanuel, John McLauglin and check out this one man orchestra from Poland

HOLY SHIT! My take was Michael Hedges' ghost was reborn and grew up in Spain where some cool stuff happened!!

You all might want to check out Laurence Juber. Amazing fingersyle guitartist. In the 70's in to the 80's, he was on many recordings people are familair with but also did a stint in McCartney's Wings in the late 70's in to the end of the 'official' Wings band.

Here's a couple of his fingerstyle songs: All of Me and PCH/Catch and Tommy Emmanuel Joking after Juber rips 'I gotta be warmed up to hear that.'

I had the fortune of attending a small workshop with Juber a few years back. It was myself and five other guys. Small group but was astounding workshop. His technical ability is beyond what these videos show but, he plays songs. He's not a 'guitar-stunt' performer. While I've seen him many times, but the workshop was a lesson in what it takes to be a professional player. He had knowledge beyond just playing. Very well educated on the history of all music. My wife was there and sitting behind me and thought I'd fallen asleep. I didn't, I was transfixed.

I mean, it was almost a party trick as he often performs the Beatles 'Blackbird' but during the workshop, he was explaining the medodic classical references in the Beatles writing via Blackbird and just stops and says, 'You know, I was kinda thinking earlier it might sound nice in a different register than I've played it.' Then goes on to transpose to a different register and finger positioning as he's playing it. Performed it near perfectly.

Oh, and if you're old enough, he's married to the daughter of Brady Bunch creator Sherwood Schwartz.