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No Reflection

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After our final chorus, a guitar solo comes in that plays a very sinister melody that adds a nice lift to the end of the song. This plays over our eight bar chorus progression.

The solo starts off with three bars of some varying rhythms, played really loose on G and F# in the higher register of our B string. You will then play both together to create some nice dissonance reaching over to the E string.

You will then come out of that motif by grabbing the high B on the E string and then you going to bend and also sneak in the F# frantically to really hear the chaos of this sound. The vibrato happens for the last bar.

You will stay on B for the next two and half bars playing a very loose triplet style rhythm before switching to the same rhythm on G on beat 2 of the next to last measure.

For the last bar you will play eighth notes, kind of frantically, between G and F# again.

If you are using a delay of any sorts, you can try and emulate the end of the songs effects by turning some knobs on your delay pedal or on your amp. I am hitting a button that makes the delay continue repeating while I turn the delay time knob. This creates a wild sound that ends the song in the recording, and with whatever you are using can make some similar sounds with gear you have at home.

Lesson Info
No Reflection