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Strumming Like A Champ

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Now that we've added ghost strums to vary the rhythm and muting to add some percussion, let's add some embellishments to our chords to vary the melody formed in our stumming.

Here we learn some common and simple chord embellishments to add to our open chords that give melodic movement to the chord progression. Don't just look at the tab to make this technique work. Dig into this chord progression with your ear and listen to how the notes change in each chord. This is of utmost importance in development as a musician. See the Nashville Number System notes below for one of the important reasons.

SPECIAL NOTE: The NNS chart doesn't reflect all of the changed notes and muting patterns in a chord progression because NNS is a shorthand system. When a chart is presented in NNS, the player is supposed to use his ear to develop what is supposed to be played. A NNS chart is also presented to all the band members, therefore every chord embellishment might be a hindrance to a drummer or another melodic instrument. NNS is helpful, but it's practically worthless if the guitarist doesn't develop his/her ear.

Lesson Info
Instructor Ben Graves
Strumming Like A Champ