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Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
11/28/2003 2:57 am
I thought your stuff was pretty good too. But I have two friends who are phenomenal artists, so when I say pretty good, I'm comparing you to them. Which is somewhat unfair. Although one of them is a raging egotist whom I hope never finds out I'm talking about him (His ego might overload), they're still both really good. So when I say you're stuff is pretty good, I mean it's some awesome stuff that I wish I could do, but can't in a million years. Lemme see...other than guitar...stroking the salami. Oh, wait, is THAT what you meant by tugging the noodle? Damn...besides being a high fidelity-esque rock snob, I also dabble in movie snobbery.

[Edited by Jolly McJollyson on 11-27-2003 at 09:00 PM]
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!

My band is better than yours...