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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Joined: 09/28/05
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Guitar Tricks Admin
Full Access
Joined: 09/28/05
Posts: 3,493
09/03/2019 8:18 pm

Hi casper27292,

This is an interesting suggestion, and we don't have plans to implement a type of "pay early" system at the moment. I understand the value of having the ability to pay for something a bit earlier than the normal renewal date.

If for whatever reason you do have to cancel your membership, remember you will always be able to keep the Full Access time you have already paid for. And when you sign up again, you get to pick up exactly where you left off, since all progress is saved. That's my best suggestion at the moment, so if you do have to cancel for a month, you'll still be able to start up again without a problem.

Thank you for your feedback!



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