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Joined: 12/29/18
Posts: 181
Full Access
Joined: 12/29/18
Posts: 181
05/02/2019 5:34 am

Hey Old Folks, been missing the posts for a while, but practicing and playing quite a bit. Getting a little bit of a repetoire for the backyard soires! I am on the next to last chapter of Fundamentals 2, but have slowed my progress in the course because there is just SOOOO much to go back and practice at this point and I don't want to go too far ahead without proficiency. Suffice it to say, Barre Chords are really slowing me down, transitioning from Open to Barre and from 5th string root to 6th string root is tedious, but trying to do

And then there's majpr scales. I can do them fairly well, but it still takes me a minute to figure out the open position scales. Minor scales are coming up in the next Tutorial section; I actually already peaked a little, but haven't started practicing them. Do you think that we need to memorize the potioning for every major scale in the open position?

Rhythm and "play along" with the band are still a challenge, but definitely improving.

My fingertips are getting bigger and rounder; getting better at holding on to the pik during vigorous strumming (stil using a little Gorilla Snot - get some if you have pik holding issues!!).

Doing a little bit of Blues and Country guitar stuff - awesome ! Definitely a good thing to get outside of the Fundamentals lessons and practice and learn a new song every once in a while.

Hope that all of you other Old Folks are doing well - please keep us all apprised on your progress and any cool new guitars that you buy!