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Joined: 02/17/18
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02/15/2019 6:32 am

I was referring to Fender's Acoustasonic amp. I wouldn't really be interested in their new Acoustasonic guitar, and certainly wouldn't consider paying the silly money they're asking if I was.

20W too big and powerful for the living room?!! Haha...give it time. I think my ID:Core's 40W at full noise is almost about right...could use a tad more, especially on cleans. For Classic Rock anyway. Enter my Booster pedal!

Yes, Yamaha's THR series amps are phenomenal. The compactness of the THR5 belies its most impressive performance. Tiny form factor and battery independence isn't to be underestimated either. It's that which sees my Fly 3 at just 3W get lots more use than it probably should. Sheer single brick convenience. For the same reason I don't bother with the additional 3W of its satellite 103 most of the time even though I have it.

IMO Fender's Champion series amps of any size have pleasing tone OOTB, and don't require a Masters degree in knob tweaking and item selecting on an LCD screen to achieve it. That's their strength.