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Joined: 01/27/13
Posts: 1,723
03/05/2014 4:58 pm
Take your time. Buying a guitar is a big investment and a big decision.

That's cool that you got a setup where you can practice and watch your daughter at the same time.

When she gets bigger, hopefully she'll inherit your passion for music and the guitar. My daughter wanted a guitar for her 9th birthday last year so she could become the next Taylor Swift. She was enthusiastic until she realized how much work it involved. I hope she'll come around eventually. I end up playing it while I'm helping put the kids to bed. It annoys my wife sometimes because the kids will start wandering and not doing what they are supposed to do and I'm lost in some music I'm playing. I also have 2 sons that are 5 and 7. There's still hope for another guitar player in the family:-). They all love music, so I think eventually they will develop an interest in an instrument.