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Joined: 06/07/00
Posts: 13
New Member
Joined: 06/07/00
Posts: 13
06/07/2000 6:05 am
Dude - I think the first gig's the one that just get's pasted in your mind, regardless of whether it's good or bad.

The first time we played in front of other people was at my mates 15th birthday when we were about the same age. We hired amps and a p.a. and thought we rocked the house. Looking back, we sucked and everyone was too wasted to care.

Our first pub gig was a couple of years later on a Friday night. The football game was on the big-screen so we were literally ignored.

Just hang in there - it all counts to experience and when you do play your dream show, it will be all the more worthwhile.