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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
11/23/2011 3:32 pm
*opens his coffin and wipes some dust off his clothes*

So.. this is my 10th year on the site and even if i haven't been very active in the past five due to personal reasons i still very much love to visit this place. I miss a lot of the old fellas who used to be fun and mind-tickling to talk to.

Yes the site has become more structured and - at least in the Forum itself - has stepped down a few levels guitar-wise. It is not the sort of "geeky" place where guitar-gods meet and discuss how to cram another 5 zillion notes into one second anymore. Is that due to the re-structuring? No. No one ever told them to stop talking about Shred, Sweep, Tap, Magic, whatever. The ppl changed, some have left, some have come. That is quite natural.

There is, however, one very big advantage to this Board compared to many others that i have been to (on various topics). The level is and has always been a very high one in terms of social competence. Hardly any flamewars, mindless arguing, trolling etc.

Looking at the topography of todays internet, this is a VERY valuable and rare thing.

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]