Getting started on Slide Guitar, once again !

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Joined: 04/10/05
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Joined: 04/10/05
Posts: 67
01/05/2010 9:44 pm
I've been playing guitar for about 7 years now and have always wanted to learn to play slide. I've noodled around with it from time to time and have come to realize that it is a matter of dedication and control. As a beginner years ago I had very little success, mostly due to improper string muting and damping (I'm beginning to find out now), and to the fact that as a beginner you tend to use ultra light strings, 9ā€™s and 10ā€™s. Which is not conducive to good slide guitar sound.

So I went out the other day and got a good Dunlop glass slide to replace a brass slide that I was completely unsatisfied with and am having a bit of success with it. Now I have come to the realization that Iā€™m going to have to dedicate one of my electrics to slide and Iā€™m going to raise the action a bit. Iā€™ve chosen my Epi LP for the change because of the double humbuckers. Iā€™ll be searching the local papers and Craigslist for an unwanted Christmas gift that I can get cheaply. (wink wink)

My question here is twofold. Knowing that there is never a hard and fast rule for where the action should beā€¦ I should at least have a baseline or a jumping off point. What would be a good starting point in string height and what is the string gauge I should be using. Is 11ā€™s heavy enough or should I be using 12ā€™s or 13ā€™s? Iā€™m afraid that if I go up too much Iā€™ll have to open up the nut slots and Iā€™m not interested in doing that.

Plus, how do I get that rich sound? You know the Duane Allman sound that every slide player strives for. I realize that Iā€™m never going to sound like Duane Allman, but Iā€™d like to sound better than a cat in an alley. I know that tone comes from your technique, your hands and fingers. But what about the effects loop? Obviously thereā€™s overdrive involved but it has to be more than that. Treble up, treble down? OD, Distortion, Reverb, Gain? I donā€™t have a Marshall amp, so playing through a Marshall isnā€™t the best of answers. ;) Any help would be greatly appreciated.

# 1
Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/15/08
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Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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01/12/2010 6:37 pm
Here is a list of tutorials on GT that feature slide guitar playing that will help you get started. Anders Mouridsen along with the other instructors at the link below are very experienced in slide playing and really offer some great insight into the topic.

Honestly, I would direct your question to Anders in his ASK ANDERS MOURIDSEN forum. He can really help with this. Here is a link to that section of the forum;

Good luck. Again, he should be able to answer all of your questions. :confused:
Douglas Showalter
# 2
Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/15/08
Posts: 817
Douglas Showalter
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/15/08
Posts: 817
01/12/2010 6:42 pm
Also, not sure if you are familiar with Derek Trucks or not. I feel he is a true genius in the slide guitar world. Here are a few links to some videos of him playing in this style. He has all the blues chops but he also has a wealth of world music influence that make him quite a cut above the rest.

Just a few. Enjoy if you have not already done so!
Douglas Showalter
# 3

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