What do you think about Slipknot

Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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08/24/2002 12:15 pm
IĀ“m a big fan of guitar play and thatĀ“s why Slipknot and evry new metal band are out of question because they canĀ“t even hold guitars and they sound is fake like Pamela Andersons brasts. Even punk players are better than them.

Some people say that they are orginal guitar players but who wouldnĀ“t be with all those effects and s*h*i*t. I mean how normal is it to make your guitar sound like anything but guitar? And how honest is it.

Dejan S. No speed limit
# 1
Dejan Sajinovic
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08/24/2002 12:19 pm
How the hell can you say that Yngwie is a bad our boring guitar player. Just remember who brought real speed and who brought classical music into guitar play, it wasnĀ“t Jimmy, neither Van Halen our Rhoads it was YNGWIE. For me heĀ“s still the greatest player ever lived. Just listen to his sound, itĀ“s so honest and clean it can be.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 2
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08/24/2002 2:56 pm
Yea, well I don't think anyone cares about him in this post.
# 3
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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08/26/2002 8:43 pm
Originally posted by metalisbest
Well for you Slipknot haters, the leader singer, Corey Taylor, and the lead guitar player, Jim Root, are playing with another band right now called Stone Sour that is more mellow, and has influences of Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam. Also the drummer and the other guitar player are both playing guitar for another band called the Murderdolls. Maybe you'll enjoy their softer side. If you wanna read more about it, then get the latest Guitar World issue.

Their softer side is probably alright, but thats not Slipknot, Slipknot is Slipknot and although the other band may be good, I still dont like Slipknot.

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# 4
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10/03/2002 12:51 am
Well, for all you Slipknot haters and lovers, I listened to the whole Stone Sour cd and bought it and it is incredible. Corey's singing is awesome, great instruments, and even guitar solos. Check it out!
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10/03/2002 1:59 am
I don't remember what I thought, and I don't really care what I think now. SO ya.

# 6
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10/03/2002 12:30 pm
Originally posted by aiwass
Slipknot is a highly controversial band, and whether you like them or not is a matter of taste. Personally, i like some of the stuff on their second album (the one before Iowa). HOWEVER: Some people here are claiming that they do not have talent! Well excuse me! You obviously haven't done yer homework! Their main drummer (Joey Jordison) is one of the cleanest, fastest drummers in the business, however he is merely "OK" compared to the skill of "lead" guitarist Mick Thomson (they don't really let him play lead, though...). Earlier this year, Total Guitar Magazine interviewed Mick Thomson and had him give a shred lesson (with plenty of sound clips on the Total Guitar CD, if I may add), and it f*cking kicked ass! His picking technique makes Yngwie look like Eric Clapton in terms of speed, and his sweeping technique is simply outrageous, climbing up and down the fretboard as much as seven frets! Give his fretwork a listen before you judge, eh? Besides, Slipknot don't sound like nu metal at all. They're only NEW, not NU!

[Edited by aiwass on 08-07-2002 at 09:11 AM]

i agree withyou totally! although they scream in like every song they are still the only good new metal band out there and personally i looove the screaming, i droool over it. honestly alot of the guitarist in this forum are still hardcore into the days of the guitar gods/heroes where every songs "gotta have that KILLER GUITAR SOLO!! YEAH MAN"
those days are long gone. the only metal band that can pull off amazing guitar solos now a days is Fredrick Thordendal of Meshuggah, but thats a whole other story, hes better then ANYONE now a days and makes Dimebag look like the whimpy metal player that he is. and yes mike thomson is faster then Yngwie whatever the **** that guys name is. you have to be if you want to play that type of metal. and bout the drummer, hes more of a jazz drummer, i heard in an interview that he doesnt even really like metal all that much hahaha.. i agree when you say that Slipknot arent like the NU metal bands, they dont fall in that department at all. honestly try transcribing some of their work...its quite out there...and if they arent metal, then what kinda music is it?...yeah, i guess you could call it noise too, thats what it sounds like when you first hear it:D
i am the shredder
# 7
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10/03/2002 8:23 pm
Right....i've not read all of this thread by any means but i've read the first few pages, including my original reply. I'm (over a year)older and hopefully a little wiser now...As a band i do not like the music Slipknot produce. However, more knowledge has come to light (the TG issue with Mick Thompson for instance). WHile I'd like to disagree with the comment comparing him to Yngwie, its just my opinion and i must agree with aiwass...he is talented (mick). As are most (if not all) of the other members... the corporate commercial bit is the producers and managers...they generally dont let the guys show their talent, and im sorry to say i havent heard the side projects.
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# 8
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10/03/2002 10:23 pm
Well you should listen to the side projects because I think that that they show as much talent as they can with those bands if not all.
# 9
Josh Redstone
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10/04/2002 8:52 pm
I like that one Stone Sour does. Bother, or whatever its called. Its great. I would pay money for that.
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# 10
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10/04/2002 10:01 pm
I quite like some of Slipnots stuff... It's that wonderful sound, where guitar/ bass are set up to sound so heavy they begin to sound more like percusion, rather than stringed instruments.. It's like someone else said before me, it's an experience...
I love the agression, the blatant and frank (sometimes mindless lyrics)...
System of a Down, are my favourites really when it comes to heavy stuff.. but slipnot aren't bad. especially with songs like "wait and bleed", "eyeless", and "[sic]"... it certainly more intresting than fecking Bon Jovi/ Def Lepard/ GnR...

I really hate this backwards guitarist mentality that being able to play fast is the be all and end all of everything... that's just a load of crap (just some of my favourite songs "start me up", "Orange crush", "come as you are", "shelter from the storm" etc etc, have guitarists that cant bleeding well play faster than 15 notes per minute and it out wieghs the cheesy crap)..
I'm sick to death of hearing *low fast riff, rises, pinch harmonic, mid fast riff, pinch harmonic, high fast riff pinch harmonic, screaming riff*, it's just so predictable it's embarasing..

Like it or not, slipnot have added an idea/ aproach to thier music, which shredder couldn't.. Shreders put on leather jackets, and pink head bands *cringe*... Admitidly the newer lesser well know shredders are quite intresting..
bah, the hell with all this.. *plays "heard it on the grape-vine"*

(oh yeah, the thing that made me laugh, was that in the vidoe for "left behind", they try to depict a butchery as being putrid and frieghtning... oh well, i'll be disection bodies after christmas... I've already done some work, but no disction with bodies.. it's a wierd experience, I must admit..)
# 11
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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10/04/2002 10:18 pm
I would rather listen to some leather clad shredder than a masked guitarist who tries to make his axe sound like a drum.
Shredding is more technically complex, and I appreciate that more.
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# 12
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10/04/2002 11:13 pm
I appreciate both.

# 13
Guitar Hurricane
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10/05/2002 1:38 am
dont like em, with the amount of creative content in the band, they should go in to making horror movies or something to better put thier talents to use. dont like me! but they are creative
WWSD? What would stevie do?
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10/05/2002 2:51 pm
Josh: this is geniune question, and not a critisism..
Dont you find technically minded music flat and empty? Dont you feel you have the capacity to enjoy more than just a string of notes? Can you seriously enjoy totally artless/ conceptless/ pointless music?
I like SOME technical stuff, but it's all stuff like Zappa.. I mean, we've got the intellect to add depth to our music, to make it more than sound... yet alot of us are stuck in the rutt of making riffs, and that's it...
Take Tool for example.. thier music videos... I love what they've done, and it certainly makes for intresting veiwing/ listening...
Nirvana, Tool, Peter Gabriel, Can, Radiohead, Beastie Boys etc etc are examples of making music more than sound, it's really enjoyable, and can be quite thought provoking/ funny/ sad...
It's certainly a lot less of an insult to the intelligence than for example kid rock's, def lepard's videos...
I dont know maybe it's just me..

[Edited by educatedfilm on 10-05-2002 at 09:54 AM]
# 15
Josh Redstone
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10/05/2002 3:29 pm
I just like music that involves a lot of complicated stuff like Jazz chords and shredding down modes. I find it nicer to listen to that just strait power chords.
I do like tons or other music, everything from classical to death metal, but I just dont like Slipknot, I suppose its the yelling and the same old power chords, and lack of playing lead. I guess its just that, I'm not the kind of person who listens to music for the message, or lyrical content, I listen to the instruments in the music, and as far as vocals go, I usually analyse a singers voice as if it were an instrument.
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# 16
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10/05/2002 5:19 pm
Slipknot is the epitome of bad music, it's like listneting to a bunch of poeple that were given instruments and don't really know how to play them. Of course i know they have a little bit of talent, but their whiney ass lyrics about haitng their parents and life, and wanting to kill themselves are lame...bad metal, bad music in general...the band sounds terrible, their music occasionally has a good riff here and there but overall their songs are some of the most pathetic compositions ever.
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10/05/2002 6:32 pm
Hey Seiko, if thats your name, go back to whatever country you came from. buh bye
# 18
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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10/05/2002 8:16 pm
You oughta open your mind or keep your mouth shut. You can have your own opinion, but dont start putting people down cause they dont like your preciouse little band. And stop being so sensitive. Some people dont like that kind of music. Get over it.
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# 19
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10/06/2002 4:20 pm
I'm not getting upset. I really don't care if people like them or not, I'm just having fun.
# 20

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